
Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the Passport membership level.

**To request a quote and/or to pay with a PO, click here!**

This membership level grants you complete access to all of the most popular perks that come with being a member of TeachArgument, as well as:

  • Access to ALL of TeachArgument's previously released core argument lessons, games, literature units
  • Enrollment in an exclusive, self-paced, and comprehensive professional development course on the neuroscience of student engagement
  • Enrollment in an exclusive, self-paced, and comprehensive professional development course on AI for educators

This is our most comprehensive level of access.  We've pulled out all the stops!

A detailed breakdown of what you'll have at your fingertips includes:

  • The Pop Culture Lesson Vault ($$$) That means every single pop culture-based English lesson on TeachArgument is yours in its entirety — in both editable Word document and PDF format.  You’ll instantly have them ALL at your fingertips.
  • Brand New Pop Culture Lessons ($$$)  As new pop culture-based lessons are created, you'll be able to access them instantly and in their entirety, both in editable Word Docs and PDF format.  If you're looking for the best way to ensure that your students are engaged, you'll always have an ace up your sleeve.
  • Exclusive Iconic Song Video Analyses ($$$)  In addition to the widely popular rhetorical analyses of pop songs that TeachArgument posts to YouTube and its blog, members also receive access to an exclusive library of rhetorical analysis and close reading videos that unpack the most iconic songs of all time -- including Journey's "Don't Stop Believin," The Beatles' "Hey Jude," Lennon's "Imagine," U2's "One," and Nirvana's "Smell's Like Teen Spirit."  These videos are only available to members of the TeachArgument Community.
  • Exclusive "Introducing Argument" Lesson Series ($$$)  By popular demand, we've developed a four part lesson series that is exclusively available to members of the TeachArgument Community.  These lessons are designed to introduce argument, rhetorical analysis, close reading, and synthesis to students in the most engaging and accessible manner, using Disney songs are core texts.
  • Core Argument Lessons ($$$) Instant access to every single one of TeachArgument's "Core Argument" lessons.  Searching for the best way to introduce appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos?  Try the Rhetomatic!  Looking for the best way to teach counterargument?  Use CounterPunch! You'll have them ALL at your fingertips!
  • Games ($$$) Whether you're looking to gamify independent reading in your classroom, to incentivize classroom discussions with game elements, or to foster critical thinking through play, our TeachArgument's games will do the trick. ALL yours for the taking!
  • Literature Units ($$$) Wishing you had a new and exciting way to teach literature in your classroom?  Wondering how you might integrate rhetorical analysis and argumentative writing into your favorite literary units -- like Gatsby, Catcher, and Mockingbird?  TeachArgument's literature units are here to lighten your load, and to spice up your classroom!
  • TeachArgument's Online PD on Brain-Based Learning ($$$) Gain instant access to the full course on the six SACRED principles of brain-based learning.  This course delves into new understandings at the intersection of modern pedagogy, neuroscience, and student engagement. You can check out the course details here, but in short, this PD promises to take your teaching to the next level.
  • TeachArgument's Online PD on AI For Educators ($$$) Gain instant access to the full course on AI for educators. You'll learn the foundations of how AI works, how to best leverage it to save time, how to use it to enhance teaching and learning, how to detect it, and how to do some absolutely mind-blowing things such as image generation, voice cloning, song creation, and more.

Save hundreds of hours AND hundreds of dollars when you join our most comprehensive and cost-effective membership tier! Register NOW!

**To request a quote and/or to pay with a PO, click here!**

The price for membership is $500.00 now and then $25.00 per Month. Customers in NJ will be charged 6.63% tax.

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